Punishing Children: Let’s Break Toxic Cycles

Punishments for children have long-lasting effects.

All parents punish their child in one form or another. Sometimes it is a time out or yelling. But I am talking about harsher punishments. 

No one should mentally or verbally abuse anyone. I feel this has a long-lasting effect on children and carries over into adulthood. If we constantly punish children by yelling and spanking that instills fear as well as develops trauma. I know this because I have anxieties that are finally coming up to the surface with anxiety. By screaming and yelling and hitting it makes a child fear you. But not just you, they fear everything and everyone. It also teaches them when you do something wrong you will be punished. So when I met toxic partners I didn't think too much of the violence at first. It was already instilled in my brain that when you do something wrong you get punished. I also thought I must have done something to deserve this. 

This is all childhood wounds coming up to the surface. I want to address this so that way we can stop raising children who think it is okay to get hit or yelled at or disrespected. Let's break this cycle. I know I am working on it. It didn't click with me as far as how sick my thinking was until I was almost killed two years ago. It made me stop and really look at what is going on in my life. And I never wanted to go through that again. I really started working on myself. I had to look at all parts of me:  the good and bad. 

When the fear kicks in, what is this? Why I am thinking this way. One day I finally got an answer. A thought popped up in my head that said I thought being punished was normal and that you are supposed to be punished for doing something wrong. Hopefully now with awareness, I can keep working through my issues. I hope we can all start breaking the cycles and spread so much awareness that crimes go down. Because we will have more fully aware people raising fully aware children!